New Product Perfectly Suited to Teach Kids Gratitude

“La reconnaissance est la memoire du coeur.” – Jean Baptiste Massieu (1742–1818)

This French proverb, meaning “Gratitude is the memory of the heart,” is displayed in my family’s home. I love the feeling I get when I when I mull over what these words of wisdom really mean: Our hearts cherish moments for which we are thankful long after they have passed. And why not make it a habit to express gratitude to those who gave us something to appreciate?

Today’s kids—many of them—are pretty darn lucky. They live with an abundance of stuff. My kids know gratitude is expected, but I always worry on Christmas morning and on birthdays that my tribe is ripping off paper faster than they can pause, breathe and say thank you. We work on ensuring proper appreciation for how hard mom and dad or grandparents or friends had to work to provide the gift, whether a material thing or an opportunity…and perhaps more importantly, the tremendous thought that went into the giving.

I am big on written thank you notes in my house. A handful of my friends make fun of me; other people tell me to stop it as the note back makes them feel pressure to reciprocate this practice; and some of my friends write me cards, too, when the occasion presents itself to say thank you—no judgment here, just different reactions from different people. But no matter how thank you notes from the Errico household are received, I am satisfied knowing the people in our lives understand that their kindness is a memory in our hearts.

Following the birthdays of my three oldest kiddos, I have typically prepared on my computer thank you cards that they’re asked to color, illustrate and/or sign. We then stamp and mail the cards together at the post office. I want them to see that there is effort involved here and that it is part of the process of receiving—to be grateful with “a proper thank you,” as they say.

And after much research on this action-backed virtue, I uncovered what I had already learned in practice: Recent studies show that there is something about sharing gratitude—saying that my happiness is due to something you have done for me—that recognizes our interdependence. New research by Algoe & Way (Social, Cognitive & Affective Neuroscience, January 31, 2014) indicates that the oxytocin system of the brain is enhanced by acts of gratitude and may be the glue that binds us into meaningful and important relationships. While this study isn’t the first to suggest that we’re social creatures, it suggests that our emotional response to someone sharing a kind word or deed is deeply rooted in our bodies and is part of our evolutionary history.

But, in all my searching, I also failed to find many simple ways to teach kids the quality of being thankful, the readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness.

I got the idea to “marry up” the gratitude ritual in our household with Wear the Cape values and, low and behold, Gratitude-Strong Thank You Cards were born. I think you’ll love them; check out the pictures below. The inside of the card defines gratitude and thanks the addressee for “…making me grateful. Your kindness helps me be strong.” There are even wide-ruled lines to make writing a brief note easy. They are an awesome tool for all of our Wear the Cape families, perfectly-suited to teach kids what gratitude is AND what it looks like in action.

We hope you will have a look at the cool cards here and purchase packs for the little heroes you love (and, of course, they come fabulously gift-wrapped with love and care from our house to yours). Merchandise with meaning, I promise they’ll be put to good use.

Speaking of being grateful, have I told you lately how incredibly grateful I am for all of you? We ARE making a difference together.

Choose kind,
Leigh Ann
thank you cards 1


thank you cards 2

May 3rd: Mark Your Calendars! Inaugural Race for all kidkind

Father Son RunStories of fictional heroes detail how they dash and run, performing courageous deeds that save people from harm’s way. On May 3, 2014, we’re asking YOU and your family to be better-than-fiction heroes and participate in our first-ever 5K race for kidkind, which will be held at the Warren Township Municipal Complex Pavilion in Warren, NJ. Let’s join forces to save our communities from the peril of kindness becoming a lost art.

The race for kidkind will feature not only a 5K for adults (runners and walkers welcome), but also tons of kid-friendly activities. A children’s 100-yard dash will include medals for the winners, and a Family Festival with the theme of “building heroes, a kid at a time” will stretch till 1pm. The day promises to be a fun, enriching opportunity for everyday heroes to come together and show the kids we love how to be cool, be kind, and wear the cape.

All proceeds from this event will be used to fund the kidkind foundation, the Warren Recreation Commission’s Summer Camp Scholarship Fund and the work of Cape Kid Olivia, who founded Teens Connecting with Teens to bring students together to help teens with special needs. More to come on this special young lady and her cause, but for now we’ll just say that we’re thrilled to honor Olivia at our event and support her to expand the impact of Teens Connecting with Teens with funds raised by the race.

Prizes will be awarded in our 5K for top male and female overall and group winners!  After enjoying the scenic run through the lovely Warren Municipal Fields and Cross Country Course, you’ll want to stay for a family-friendly good time!  Games, crafts, food and fun are sure to be abundant, so lace up your sneakers, secure your cape and fly on down to the Warren Township Municipal Complex Pavilion (off of 1 Bardy Road, Warren NJ 07059).

Come wear your cape and help so many kids in need! Check-in and registration will kick off at 7:45am, and the 5K race is set to start at 8:30am. You can preregister online at for $22 or day-of, on-site registration is $30. Be one of the first 500 registrants and receive a free t-shirt and other great swag! You can also donate to help us reach our goal or, if you’re a business, be a race & festival sponsor (drop me a note at

Click here to sign up for what promises to be a feel-good day for all!

Choose kind,

Leigh Ann

P.S. Check out our 5K race for kidkind & Family Festival Flier for more info!

Letter from Leigh Ann: Warm Wishes from Wear the Cape This Holiday Season

Wishing you the joy of family, the happiness of friends, and the wonder of the season. May the spirit of the holidays be with you throughout the new year.

I’d like to take this opportunity to thank the many friends who have helped Wear the Cape and the kidkind foundation get off to an exciting start this year, reaching kids across the country with encouragement and education on the power of kindness and good character. Both the Cape and the foundation focus on helping kids understand what good character looks like in everyday life and on giving them the confidence to do what’s right, not what’s easy.

The Wear the Cape team is beyond excited about the foundation’s first major project, which is already underway. Our goal is to touch as many kids as possible and truly move the needle on the youngest generation’s attitudes, behavior and outlook on the world. From consulting with experts, teachers and parents, it’s clear that children are very impressionable in the early elementary years. Based on our discussions, we set our sights on publishing a children’s picture book that will paint an easily-understandable picture of good character and communicate that choosing to not bully, even when in a relative position of power (e.g., a student in class who is more athletic, smarter or more popular than others), is more honorable and respectable than being unkind.

The book is being written in a powerful way that we hope will stay with children throughout their lives (I, to this day, remember books that I read as a kid, don’t you?). The next steps are editing, illustration and publishing. The plan is to produce thousands of copies and donate them to Kindergarten through 2nd grade classrooms across the country, particularly in underprivileged areas.

On behalf of the thousands of young children who, in the new year, will receive a free book that could greatly impact their lives, I thank you for your generosity in helping to bring the gift of greater knowledge to kids. Helping our youth understand the powerful values that shape one’s life every day will make their futures even brighter and our communities better places to live.

Separately, the kidkind foundation will also be creating a scholarship program, and we are holding focus groups to identify more ways to make a big impact with your generous donation. Ideas are welcomed.

Thanks, again, for your kindness. It’s so uplifting to see others join the movement and lend their support to this important cause.

All the best to you and yours,

Leigh Ann and the Wear the Cape for all kidkind Team

Holiday Express - The Season Is Almost Near