Kindness Week Is Coming!

Kindness Week is just around the corner! Save & share.

Kindness Week, Great Kindness Challenge, Kindness, Random Acts of Kindness Day, inspiration

A Year of Transformation, Starting Today

As 2018 is just beginning, I want to take this time to wish you and your loved ones a year filled with much peace, good health, and lots of laughter. As I look back on the past year, I am reminded of the great strides we have taken, as a nation, to help eradicate bullying and promote heroism, good character, and kindness.

Although we have started to climb the “Heroic Hill”, we are not quite at the top yet. We still have a great deal of work to do to combat bullying, in every form. This is where I call out to you for help. I implore you to take a deep, hard look into your home and family. Determine if you are truly being a positive role model for your family and create a plan for your family to make a difference in the neighborhood, community, and world.

The change that is needed for a kinder, more peaceful world can begin with you and your family. Let’s vow to make 2018 the year of transformation…the year where love overflows in our hearts, family, and world.

In kindness,
Leigh Ann Errico